
The Judge Deciding Google’s Landmark Antitrust Case

One of Amit P. Mehta’s first cases after becoming a federal judge in late 2014 proved to be a crash course in antitrust.Sysco,...

Republicans Step Up Attacks on Scientist at Heart of Lab Leak Theory

House Republicans demanded on Wednesday that the president of a virus-hunting nonprofit group be criminally investigated and barred from federal research funds, a...

Pasteurized Dairy Foods Free of Live Bird Flu, Federal Tests Confirm

Additional testing of retail dairy products from across the country has turned up no signs of live bird flu virus, strengthening the consensus...

UnitedHealth’s CEO Slammed Over Cyberattack

In a tense Senate hearing on Wednesday, lawmakers sharply criticized UnitedHealth Group’s handling of the cyberattack that paralyzed the U.S. health care system,...

Aspirin Can Prevent a Deadly Pregnancy Complication. Why Aren’t Women Told?

Back Story: Aspirin reduces the odds of certain complications.The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an influential panel of experts that issues national guidance,...


